Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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35 kV單母線分段變電站母線故障的保護分析與改進

來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2023-07-27 13:27 瀏覽次數(shù):274

35 kV單母線分段變電站母線故障的保護分析與改進

(國網(wǎng)浙江慈溪市供電有限公司,浙江 慈溪 315300)
    摘 要:針對一起 35 kV 單母線分段變電站 35 kV 母線故障時導致的全站停電事故,分析了事故中各繼電保護和備自投裝置的動作情況,明確了變電站全停的原因。分析結(jié)果顯示,在目前的繼電保護配置方式下,35 kV 母線故障時只能由線路對側(cè)變電站的線路保護動作切除故障,本站母線設(shè)備將遭受多次短路電流的沖擊,并最終導致全站停電。根據(jù)單母線分段母線故障的特點,提出了 3 種不同的繼電保護改進方案,能夠最大程度地避免全站停電,提高終端變電站的供電可靠性。
    關(guān)鍵詞: 單母線分段;母線故障;全站停電;改進方案
    中圖分類號:TM77     文獻標識碼:B     文章編號:1007-3175(2023)07-0033-04
Analysis and Improvement for the Bus Failure Protection of 35 kV
Sectionalized Single-Bus Substation
CHEN Xi-lei, YE Han-zheng, XU Wen-qin
(State Grid Zhejiang Cixi Power Supply Co., Ltd, Cixi 315300, China)
    Abstract: The paper analyzes the action behaviors of relay protection and backup power automatic switch and nails down causes of this blackout based on a 35 kV sectionalized single-bus substation power outage accident caused by the 35 kV bus failure. The analysis shows that the present relay protection configure scheme can cut off failures through the opposite side substation when the 35 kV bus fault happens,while the short-circuit current can surge bus equipments several times, leading to the final substation power outage accident. Three relay protection improved schemes are proposed according to the characteristics of bus failures of sectionalized single-bus. They can avoid substation power outage to the greatest extent and increase the power supply reliability of terminal substations.
    Key words: sectionalized single-bus; bus failure; substation power outage; improved scheme
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