(河南平高電氣股份有限公司,河南 平頂山 467001)
摘 要:以提高盆式絕緣子絕緣能力為出發(fā)點,對盆式絕緣子放電現(xiàn)象及電場強度進行仿真,研究了沿面爬距對盆式絕緣子絕緣能力的影響,并對盆式絕緣子進行了優(yōu)化改進。新設計的盆式絕緣子可以改善凹面?zhèn)冉^緣能力弱于凸面?zhèn)惹闆r,提出將沿面合成場強納入絕緣能力考核范圍,經(jīng)對優(yōu)化后盆式絕緣子進行絕緣試驗驗證,結(jié)果表明絕緣性能優(yōu)異。
中圖分類號:TM216 文獻標識碼:A 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)09-0043-04
Research on Insulation Ability Improvement of Basin-Type
Insulator in Gas Insulated Switchgear
SONG Song-min, LIU Chao-feng, ZHU Chuan-yun, ZHANG Hao-qi, DONG Bin
(Henan Pinggao Electric Co., Ltd, Pingdingshan 467001, China)
Abstract: This study practiced a simulation experiment for discharge phenomenon and electric field intensity of basin insulators to improve their insulating ability. It also researched the influence of creep-age distance on the basin-type insulator and optimized its quality. The new basin-type insulator can balance the insulation ability of both sides. This paper proposed to include the ability of creep-age synthesized electric-field strength into the insulation to assessment. The result of the experiment shows that the improved product has better insulation ability.
Key words: basin insulator; insulation design; lightning impulse voltage
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