(中國南方電網(wǎng)有限責任公司超高壓輸電公司曲靖局,云南 曲靖 655000)
摘 要:近年來高壓直流輸電系統(tǒng)換流站交流 PLC 濾波器故障時有發(fā)生,為查明故障原因,對 ±500 kV 溪洛渡直流輸電工程送端昭通換流站交流 PLC 濾波器的配置方案、濾波性能和定值計算情況進行了研究。發(fā)現(xiàn)對該工程交流 PLC 濾波器性能研究及參數(shù)選型時,應力定值計算僅考慮了電抗器、調諧單元等附屬元件承受最大穩(wěn)態(tài)電壓和電流應力需求,未考慮在弱交流系統(tǒng)甚至孤島運行下交流 PLC 濾波器在直流操作及各類典型故障過程承受的暫態(tài)諧波電流電壓應力情況,結合該工程某次直流緊急停運過程中發(fā)現(xiàn)交流 PLC 濾波器調諧單元承受的實際諧波電流應力顯著超過其設計額定值,說明該設備存在較大安全隱患。針對高壓直流換流站交流 PLC 噪聲濾波器的設計選型、隱患設備評估整治等提出了相應的建議措施,具有一定借鑒意義。
關鍵詞:PLC 濾波器;調諧單元;暫態(tài)諧波;定值計算;設計選型;畸變應力
中圖分類號:TM721.1 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2021)04-0030-04
Performance Evaluation of Noise Filter for HVDC Transmission Project
WEI Gang, WANG Dian-lang, CAO Hong, LI Guo-gen
(Qujing Bureau of China Southern Power Grid EHV Power Transmission Company, Qujing 655000, China)
Abstract: In recent years, failures of AC PLC filters in HVDC converter stations have occurred from time to time. In order to find out the causes of these failures, the configuration scheme, filtering performance and constant value calculation of AC PLC filters in Zhaotong converter station of 500 kV Xiluodu HVDC transmission project are studied, it is found that the maximum steady state voltage and current stress of auxiliary components such as reactor and tuning unit are only taken into account in the stress setting calculation when the AC PLC filter is studied and its parameters are selected, not considering the transient harmonic current and voltage stress of AC PLC filter under DC operation and typical fault process in weak AC system or even isolated island. Combined with the DC emergency shutdown process of this project,it is found that the actual harmonic current stress of the AC PLC filter tuning unit is much higher than its design rating, which shows that the equipment has great hidden trouble. Finally, some suggestions are put forward for the design and selection of AC PLC noise filter in HVDC converter station, as well as the renovation of hidden trouble equipment.
Key words: PLC filter; tuning unit; transient harmonic; setting calculation; type selection; distortion stress
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