Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175

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基于Faster R-CNN模型的絕緣子故障檢測

來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2020-04-18 14:18 瀏覽次數(shù):1051
基于Faster R-CNN模型的絕緣子故障檢測
(國網(wǎng)漳州供電公司,福建 漳州 363000)
    摘 要:絕緣子是電力系統(tǒng)中用來支撐電線和電氣隔離的重要器件,對輸配電線路絕緣狀態(tài)的在線檢測意義重大。針對現(xiàn)階段人工判別航拍圖像的不足,提出基于Faster R-CNN的絕緣子圖像故障檢測方案,闡述了卷積神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)特征提取的原理,構(gòu)建基于Faster R-CNN的絕緣子檢測模型,利用無人機航拍的絕緣子圖像及故障樣本,對檢測模型加以訓(xùn)練與測試,分別進行絕緣子分類檢測實驗和絕緣子故障定位實驗。實驗結(jié)果表明,所提出的絕緣子故障檢測方法能夠準確對絕緣子進行檢測與分類,并定位出故障位置,且達到實時性要求。
    中圖分類號:TM216;TM855     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2020)04-0056-05
Insulator Fault Detection Based on Faster R-CNN
CHEN Jun-jie, YE Dong-hua, CHAN Yan-ping, CHEN Ling-rui
(State Grid Zhangzhou Power Supply Company, Zhangzhou 363000, China)
    Abstract: Insulators are important devices used to support electrical wires and electrical isolation in power systems, and are of great significance for online test of the insulation status of transmission and distribution lines. In this paper, in view of the shortcomings of manually discriminating aerial images at this stage, an insulator image fault detection scheme based on Faster R-CNN is proposed, and the principle of feature extraction for convolutional neural networks is described, and an insulator detection model based on Faster R-CNN is constructed. Utilizing aerial insulator images and fault samples of aerial drones, the detection model is trained and tested, and insulator classification detection experiments and insulator fault location experiments are performed respectively. Experimental results show that the proposed insulator fault detection method can accurately detect and classify insulators, locate the fault location, and meet the real-time requirements.
    Key words: insulator detection; fault location; convolutional neural network; image detection; deep learning
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