Suzhou Electric Appliance Research Institute
期刊號: CN32-1800/TM| ISSN1007-3175



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來源:電工電氣發(fā)布時間:2025-03-03 14:03瀏覽次數(shù):6


(1 國網(wǎng)上海市電力公司超高壓分公司,上海 200240;
2 上海交通大學 電氣工程系,上海 200240)
    摘 要:可控換相換流器(CLCC)是一種有望解決多饋入直流系統(tǒng)連續(xù)閉鎖問題的新型電力電子裝置,其關鍵組件電阻-散熱器的性能影響溫度分布和器件的長期穩(wěn)定。針對 CLCC 電阻-散熱器,利用 COMSOL 軟件建立了三維電熱場耦合計算模型,并基于有限元方法對不同幅值恒壓電勢和正弦電勢輸入條件下的溫度分布規(guī)律和散熱效果展開了分析。結果表明,短時沖擊下,CLCC 電阻-散熱器的溫升集中在電阻區(qū)域,溫升幅值與所承受電壓幅值成二次指數(shù)相關關系;正弦波形輸入下電阻-散熱器結構的溫升幅度為恒壓輸入情況下的60% ;散熱器充分將熱量傳導并散熱至常溫需要時間為500 s。
    關鍵詞: 可控換相換流器;電阻- 散熱器;電熱耦合;溫度分布
    中圖分類號:TM46     文獻標識碼:A     文章編號:1007-3175(2025)02-0019-05
Simulation Analysis of Electrothermal Coupling for Resistor-Heatsink of
Controllable Line Commutated Converter
YAN Quan-quan1, LI Yu-jun2, LENG Chao1, XUE Chu-liang1, ZHU Zheng-yi1, JIANG Fei1, LIU Ya-kun2
(1 State Grid Shanghai Electric Power Company Ultra-High Voltage Branch, Shanghai 200240, China;
2 Department of Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China)
    Abstract: The controllable line commutated converter (CLCC) is a novel power electronic device with the potential to address the issue of continuous blocking in multi-fed direct current (DC) systems. The performance of its key component, the resistor-heatsink, influences the temperature distribution and long-term stability of the device. For the CLCC resistor-heatsink, a three-dimensional coupled electric-thermal field computational model was established using COMSOL software, and the temperature distribution law and heat dissipation effect under the input conditions of different amplitude constant voltage potential and sinusoidal potential were analyzed based on the finite element method.The results indicate that under short-term impact, the temperature rise of the CLCC resistor-heatsink is concentrated in the resistive area,and the magnitude of the temperature rise exhibits a quadratic exponential correlation with the magnitude of the voltage applied. Under sinusoidal waveform input, the magnitude of the temperature rise in the resistor-heatsink structure is 60% of that observed under constant voltage input. Furthermore, it takes 500 s for the heatsink to fully conduct the heat and dissipate it to ambient temperature.
    Key words: controllable line commutated converter; resistor-heatsink; electrothermal coupling; temperature distribution
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