(1 浙江浙能技術研究院有限公司,浙江 杭州 311121;
2 浙江省火力發(fā)電高效節(jié)能與污染物控制技術研究重點實驗室,浙江 杭州 311121;
3 杭州華電下沙熱電有限公司,浙江 杭州 310018)
摘 要:發(fā)電機轉子若發(fā)生兩點(多點)接地故障,其磁路平衡將遭受嚴重破壞,可能產生強烈振動,機組軸系嚴重磁化,致使無法正常運行,甚至燒損轉子繞組、鐵心或大護環(huán)。通過一起發(fā)電機轉子接地故障報警案例,介紹了現(xiàn)場查找轉子接地點相關檢測方法,并對造成的接地原因進行了分析。分析結果為該臺發(fā)電機制造工藝把控不嚴格,導致加工殘留物引發(fā)轉子接地;對發(fā)電機轉子所有通風副槽進行內窺鏡仔細查,并清除了其他加工殘留物,有效消除了轉子繞組接地隱患。
關鍵詞: 發(fā)電機轉子;接地故障;對地電壓;電壓分布;轉子繞組
中圖分類號:TM303.3 文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:1007-3175(2025)02-0046-04
Detection and Handling of Ground Fault Alarm in Gas Generator Rotor
SONG Zi-qi1,2, WANG Yi-chen3, LI Zhi-ying1,2, WANG Xin1,2, ZHANG Di1,2, ZHAN Hong-yu1,2
(1 Zhejiang Energy Research Institute Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 311121, China;
2 Zhejiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Energy Conservation & Pollutant Control Technology for Thermal Power, Hangzhou 311121, China;
3 Hangzhou Huadian Xiasha Cogeneration Co., Ltd, Hangzhou 310018, China)
Abstract: In the event of a two-point (or multi-point) grounding fault in a generator rotor, the magnetic circuit balance of the generator will be seriously disrupted, and the generator may produce strong vibrations and serious magnetization of the unit shafting, resulting in the failure of the generator to operate normally, and even burn the rotor winding, core or large protective ring of the generator. In this paper, through a generator rotor grounding fault alarm case, the relevant detection methods for finding the rotor grounding point on site are introduced, and the grounding causes are analyzed. The analysis results showed that the manufacturing process of the generator was not strictly controlled, which led to the grounding of the rotor caused by the processing residue. The endoscopic inspection of all ventilation sub-slots of the generator rotor was carried out, and other processing residues were removed, which effectively eliminated the hidden danger of the grounding of the rotor winding.
Key words: generator rotor; grounding fault; ground voltage; voltage distribution; rotor winding
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